Firefighters in my Country...

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago



The Fire Management agency in my country is a joke, just like most of the other aspects in the huge political comedy skit known as Nigeria.
Firefighters, a mythical body that is almost no where to be seen in a country that has a huge majority of thieves as judges, liars as lawyers, bully's as police and sadists as members of the army..
It may not be a far fetched assumption to say the firefighters may be arsonists😂.

We do still need them though, if 80% may have wrong values and ideals, the remaining 20% could be relied on..
Better than nothing..


Two weeks ago, there was a tragic fire incident in my hometown, the cause of the fire was an accident involving a petrol tank truck, the road was a mess and the scene was ghastly.

Upon reading and hearing about the news everyone was thinking the same thing, in this news post, one witness even asked what we were thinking..

You can imagine. For hours, no fire service...

I could certainly imagine. Firefighters who I haven't seen, heard their vehicles and/or sirens or even heard that someone has seen before?
I'd be even more surprised if they did come.

The sad part of this story is the fact that this isn't the first major fire outbreak in Port Harcourt, just last year March we had one under the same Petrol Tanker premise which claimed 90 lives and even more vehicles..


Then let's not count the numerous home fires that occur during the harmattan season due to the natural dryness of the atmosphere.
A small home fire would rage for hours, burning the house down to it's very core.

Some may argue is the overpopulation of houses and bad roads that makes some place inaccessible to firefighters and their bulky vehicles.
Some may say it's the faulty vehicles or sheer carelessness of drivers, home owners and any other party who's involved in the incidents.

They may be right, but one thing that cannot be ignored is the bulging absence of firefighters among the Nigerian public safety ranks.

This absence makes some people become fire fighters to save their own goods and belongings.
The idea of first responders is good, heroic and chivalrous but still just a step away from stupidity and suicidal..

A very small step I'll say.

In the Eleme fire (whose video is posted above), I read in a certain entry that a man made a move to save his car by driving it off the road, through two burning cars and managed to get off with his life and vehicle.

Oshey Vin Diesel

The prayer Lord if I have any good luck in my future can you bring it to my present? must have been what he was reciting.
Although he responded first, I see that as pure suicidal, a lot of things could have gone wrong.

  • What if the burning cars didn't break?
  • What if he burst through them and the fire caught onto his own car?
  • What if when he turned on his car, it didn't start or it just exploded?

Sometimes responding first due to adrenaline has to be calmed and stopped.
Yet in my country it's always done.
People always say don't try to be a hero.. but what if the heroes don't come?

I did read another post that a popular influencer who got a lot of money plans on opening up a private firefighting agency for the city.
I'm not sure If it's just another publicity skit or he's trying to get followers or something but that would be great.
A safe first response to an emergency, because he's responding before the emergency starts.

This is the beginning of the raining season and such a fire has already happened, makes me dread what harmattan has for us..

Would Nigeria become another fire nation?

Or would we get a firefighting force who's ability and level of expertise would be as impressive and awe inspiring as these fellows who came up on my feed on Instagram..
Click the screenshot to view the reel

Started responding to it late but this is a response to the May Inleo Monthly Prompts posted by @leogrowth

Just some of my thoughts about the topic of firefighters, emergency and first responders in respect to my country and experiences..

You should check the prompts out if you don't know what to write and need some ideas...

Lovely prompts on here...


Click the Image to go to the post


My Instagram page.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha