Technological evolution is inevitable, resistance is futile, prepare to be assimilated.

I think a future dominated by Artificial Intelligence and Public Digital Ledgers makes sense because...

The future belongs to technology, and those that embrace it will thrive, while those that resist it will be trampled under the boots of passing robots.


  • In my humble opinion, technology is an inevitable conclusion of human progress. All old things become hobbies or amusements, and better technology, like better money, chases out the old.
  • Artificial Intelligence, ironically enough, has been with us for a while, but has only come to our attention, as it has reached a critical mass size, where it is no longer a barely noticable annoying voice answering a phone, and standing between you and a human who cold help you.
  • Now it is the primary way to get information from many customer service telephone lines, so you must adapt to it, learn to interact, and communicate effectively to get what you want, or be a frustrated, unfulfilled customer, the business has chosen to ignore, as to dumb to want as a customer anymore.
  • Harsh? yes.
  • True? maybe.
  • A rush toi judgement? definitely.
  • Based on singular personal experiences and not supported by numerically significant large studies to be interpreted as statistically sound? Yes, guilty on all .
  • But is this not what humans do? Rush to judgement, based on singular experiences, which they then extrapolate to the experiences of many people, with little or not statitical evidence? I think so..yes...
  • So why not just embrace the future?
  • The past was filled with good, bad and ugly, lets keep the lessons and the memories we need to be better, and keep moving forward.
  • My dad like to say "It's hard to move forward, looking backwards." and while my dad, being a history teacher, would never encourage you to forget the past, he also never encouraged you to be stuck in the past either.
  • Remember the lesson, not the loss, not the emotional terror or sorrow.
  • Don't let bad things live rent free in your brain..
  • Any way...back to technology..

I think it's time to move past our worst fears about AI and towards a more cooperative or helpful future

  • Sure all things can be used for ill will.. just look at cryptocurrency, credit cards, cash, gold coins, diamonds, mobile phone minutes...
  • All these things were good inventions with utility towards achieving good things, but all as tools, can also be used for ill intent.
  • The same gun which murders a president, could save you from a gang of murderous home invaders.
  • The same one hundred dollar bill, which feeds a family of four for a week, can be spent on a line of cocaine making you feel really super for ten minutes...
  • Utility is a two edge sword, it can perform good deeds and bad deeds, it's all just a tool in the hands of the user.
  • Tools are just tools, and technology like the automobile, and plane can be useful forms of transportation of tanks or jets running over people in their homes or dropping bombs from the sky destroying a childrens hospital.
  • The limiting factor is the moral compass of the people driving the cars, tanks, and planes...
  • It's really time to be honest and put blame squarely where it belongs, with the humans.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 3 months ago  

For sure there are a lot of important things that we need to spend time to figure out in terms of AI and the future of technology. It’s going to create a lot of weaker people and that’s an unfortunate reality but I think it’s also going to create a substantial amount of strong people as well and it will change things for the better in the long term. We just have to be careful not to let some asshole turn it into a monopoly. Open AI and their ilk want to have control over it but we need it fully open source IMO!

I agree that there is always someone who wants to outdo Google, for that big pot of gold, at the end of the monopoly rainbow.
Humans are a bit predictable when it comes to life changing wealth for yourself and your children.

So I too hope the open source contingent wins the war, if not every battle.

Your especially productive this week,
I like your short essay and it reminds me strangely of the Borg, Resistance is Futile, Prepare to be assimilated.
But you open on a serious note, pepper us with humor and end seriouly again.
Enjoyable prose for sure, and a gentle reminder that adapting to change is not optional, just ask the dinosaurs, either you adapt or it's bye bye dino.

Thank you, I appreciate you reading and commenting

Thank you,


ha ha !
i hear the robots marching now!
i love the imagery and imagination
imagine if everything we made tried to kill us
i like your analogy, but it sounds like guns dont kill people, people with guns kill people..
i like your other analogy better

Thanks, it was a mood piece, I was in a mood