in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

Good day beautiful people of Hive nation, it's another blessed day to plan to be better and make corrections where you failed yesterday.
Today,I will be going hard on our ladies, somebody's future wife, etc

Some blatant nude parties we now have at weddings is quite disturbing. Infact, including weddings of people who profess sanctity.

Bridal train ladies or bridesmaids now dress like street girls; everything looks like it is under pressure. Their backside looks like apples about to fall off trees, bleached thighs on display like freshly baked doughnuts. Greater portion of fabric is used on the floor than it is on the body. 10 yards of 200k fabric purchased and only 1/2 yard is around your body.

Even as a man, I cringe at some wedding gowns with scrutiny. I cannot imagine how men cope. I'm shocked at the consent of the 'husbands to be'. Why should you be comfortable with your bride dressed like a half peeled banana? I also marvel at the parents approval of fashion style... Is there nothing sacred anymore? Nothing hallowed?

Screengrabbed from my gallery

Please, our single ladies, bridesmaids, don't let the devil use you. That it is en vogue doesn't mean it's not rogue. No man of integrity will chase you on account of your bare behind or frontals.

If you have integrity, you will dress like a true royalty
. Let me call a spade a spade: LADIES COVER YOUR BREAST, COVER YOUR THIGHS, COVER YOUR BOTTOM. Your pants and bras are UNDERGARMENTS. Put on some REAL CLOTHES.

Screengrabbed from my gallery

Truth be told, men are hunters, they go after their imaginations, they like to unveil things.
But right now the indecent dressing of our young ladies have turned our men to view them as a USE & DUMP MATERIAL. men no longer hunt, they sit and the game comes to them.

It's a shame that most ladies dress in a shabby way to church, a sacred gathering of people.
And I ask, do you think a right thinking suitor will want you permanently in his life? the answer is No, because you've already shown him and the public what is meant to be seen by her husband.

The man sees you as a sex toy that appeals his sexual urge.

I attended a friend's wedding sometime ago, the bridal train were looking like half peeled bananas.
During the wedding reception, you need to see them secretly hunting men of their choice amongst themselves.

Suddenly, they began to strategize on how to get the men's attention.
They began serving drinks and food to a particular table, meanwhile they were other tables they walked past just to get to that table to impress.


Truth be told, men go for modestly dressed women for a long lasting relationship that may lead to marriage, while when they want to play around, they flaunt you to the world while they are half naked and it doesn't matter to them.

Ladies, be wise, dress modestly, a serious relationship will come knocking.


It's not necessarily how you dress but what you have to offer in the relationship.

Fast forward to my friend's wedding, so one of the bridal ladies tried so hard to get the attention of one of my friends. suddenly she dragged a chair and sat right beside him while we talked to ourselves with our eyes and laughed when necessary.

She struck up a conversation and my friend was responding accordingly while he was glancing his phone.

Not up to 20 minutes, while she was still talking and touching his beard, my friends fiancee called him for directions to the venue of the reception and few moments later she arrived with an Uber, well dressed,body fully covered, all eyes were on her.

By the time she got to our table, you needed to see the bridal ladies hissing like snakes.

The lady stood up and walked away in an embarrassing way.

Funny enough,my friends fiancee sat beside him and joked with him by asking if she wants to woo him,we all laughed.

Moral lessons:

You are somebody's choice.
Make conscious effort to dress the way you want to be addressed.
Be an asset to your prospective suitor.
Strategically set goals for yourself and try to achieve them.


This is an interesting topic that needs to be addressed.

Indeed,it's creeping so deep into our society and it's really not encouraging because most times, parents come to these events with their children below 15years.

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@snowflakesduke Hello. Respectfully or however you perceive it, such thinking as yours has no place in this age and time. Things have gotten a lot more progressive and the act of basic respect is becoming a lot more common.

I understand you’ve been in a world where men feel they have the moral right to police women about their choices of clothing but those days are speeding past us; I sense some catching up to do. particularly women dressing how the choose to weddings affects nothing, it is not responsible for the plague of bandits killing and kidnapping people in the north nor does it affect anyone in anyway.
Women do not owe men dressing a certain way and if you cared to know, you’d understand that the number of women who appeal to the male gaze is really thinning out.

Why should you be comfortable with your bride dressed like a half peeled banana?

Their backside looks like apples about to fall off trees, bleached thighs on display like freshly baked doughnuts.

Your choice of words and portraying women the way you did is quite vile and despicable. You said men are hunters and that really made me miss the days when men spend most of their days hunting and wrestling. It won’t be bad to take to the bushes again.

Consider this a constructive criticism. Have a nice day.

Of course I will take it as a constructive criticism,but trust me,am not in the class of catching up.
Secondly,I believe in progression and as such cannot limit women to latest fashion sense,but not too much exposure of skin.
Most ladies have also been embarrassed because the said dress tore in the process and more skin exposed.
But it's fine, thanks for opening up.

 2 years ago  

There isn't a whole lot of modesty left in the world. I think it's a sad product of pop culture. Not everyone likes that look but it keeps getting pushed onto us.

Exactly,but it's so funny that such people wallow in inferiority complex and use nudity in disguise,yet looking for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage.... Lol