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RE: Food Poisen Isn't Fun

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago

That sounds really nasty and there must have been something up with the food. I hope you are better soon.

I have Chinese now and again from the place up the road and it's generally been okay. I've been going there for years. I've not used the generic food delivery services that seem to be taking over. Some of those use dedicated kitchens rather than shops. I wonder if some take short-cuts with hygiene, but then they won't last long if people report problems.

Get well and take it easy.


That's the thing man, I'm not sure what it was, but the sheer speed it arrived I assume they didn't cook it right.

I have a feeling it could have been the rice, bit the chips were hard so it could have been a mix of both.

Aimee's mum was speaking with someone the other day who had food poisen from the same place a few days before me, so it must be the place itself. There's no comeback though from it.