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One thing I enjoy about reading your work is that it gets very personal. Is something I've enjoyed from my favourite authors; originality, authenticity, and unapologetic about thier beliefs and philosophies.

You say you don't have a routine but there is a pattern 😜. It's insane that you get up at 2am to read and then write. That is next level. Also key to look out for yourself to avoid a burnout.
I'm rooting for you 😁

This friend of yours must be really smart and also lucky. Send my regards 😁


Thank you @stevenson7, you are amazing.

Please, don't start teasing me, there is nothing next level about 2 am...hehhehe

I guess I had a pattern and I wasn't paying attention

burning out? That's something I am hoping to watch out for because sincerely.....phew 😌

Yes, my friend is a very smart one but I am the lucky one here to have that person. I will send your regards, surely