MuTerra : A Fresh Beginning

in MUTERRA5 months ago

Most of you were wondering what happened to MuTerra, while some thought that the project was already dead. Well here we are with facts to tell.

We started with MuTerra back in 2021. The idea was clear, to create a retro-RPG on Hive blockchain. We started off well, with various discord events, tokenomics, airdrops, sales and game build releases. But then came the bear market and things just started falling apart one by one.

After the various sales, we had generated an amount close to 80,000$, inclusive of the market fees, interests from savings, etc. But this stated figure was worth that much back when we were still in the bull run. The last 2 years of bear market had a very bad impact on that amount whose value became many times less.

With next to 0 revenue coming in and dwindling funds, all the team members had to take up full time jobs and we were only able to work part time on MuTerra. This impacted the development speed a lot. There were instances when some developers freed up time for the project but couldn't progress because there were dependencies on another developer who couldn't match their schedule. Hence we came up with Mole Miner mini game which was an attempt to use the developer time efficiently and not waste it on waiting.

There were real life issues too which everyone faces in their lives like, health, family, breaks, etc which impacted the development. But the crippling blow came last year when everything we worked on had to be scrapped completely.

Our game, MuTerra World, was built on UNITY. It's development had been outsourced to a company which had assured us that they were capable enough to deliver. 2 years into development and after releasing the various builds in the past, we got screwed over.

This was a major setback for us but at no point did the thought of quitting the project crossed our minds. We believe in MuTerra and it's potential to have a major impact on Hive.
So we persevered in silence, with only one goal in mind - To deliver on our promises.

We acknowledge the mistakes of our past, many lessons were learnt from them and with new vigour we are starting anew.


The game has been removed from UNITY and it is now being developed in the native browser using PhaserJS. The current development is faster as we have the UNITY build to refer from and we already know of the challenges we faced in the past.

With PhaserJS, the biggest difference we have seen is in resource consumption by the game which has reduced by more than 10 times.

By introducing PhaserJS, we now have more developers in the team who can read, write and review the code. Earlier we were completely on the mercy of the other company we had outsourced the development to.

We have already created a strong foundation in the game and this will help in faster developments in the future and scaling. Additionally, we have reworked some game mechanics that will be advantageous and more interesting for the player.

Here's our progress so far -

The above game link shows where we are right now in the replication process from UNITY to PhaserJS.

  • First thing you'll notice is that the loading speed of the game is extremely fast compared to the UNITY builds.

  • Integration with Hive chain has been completed. So you can easily login, use your tamers and see your MUT balance.

  • Player and NPC movements are working along with basic interactions.

  • Map change and the APIs involved in it have been tested and complete.

  • We will be implementing all the features using just 2 maps. This will help us in testing faster and introducing more features. There's no point in releasing new maps if there is nothing much to do in them. Once the feature implementations are done, we will replicate it to other maps.


We understand that rebuilding trust is not an overnight process. So we humbly ask for your patience, understanding, and most importantly, your willingness to give us another chance.

But these are just mere words. Anyone could say it and continue like nothing happened. We will change that through our actions as they speak louder than words.

We will be giving weekly updates on our progress from now on and not just that, we will also be releasing more information on what other things we have achieved in the past few months.

So come along with us once again, as we embark on this journey to create a wonderful retro-RPG which was worth waiting for.

Here's to Fresh Beginnings. Cheers!











MuTerra is set in a post-apocalyptic world where radiation has killed almost all of humanity and has mutated plants and animals. You, the survivors, are tasked with ensuring that humanity doesn't go extinct by exploring the wild, capturing the mutated animals and taming them.

MuTerra is a TCG + RPG game on HIVE blockchain.

  • RPG : explorations, raids, quests, interacting with NPCs, solving mysteries, character stories, and more

  • TCG : PvE and PvP battles, collect NFTs, trade them and fight other players using the cards you have collected to prove you are the better tamer.


Open MuTerra Website

The best RPG on Hive chain


We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and values contained in this post or any other posts of MuTerra, at any time and in our sole discretion.


This bear has been long and brutal for sure but the fact that you are announcing this is fantastic!

Just tried the game and wow it is fast!!

Looking forward to catching those mutees in the future.

Good luck team, this bull is going to be epic!


Cheer up Bro!!!. This is the real origin story of the Muterra. The struggles that youve mention is common one in the indi projects. With no big power backing up the project and no cashflow the project suffers. And to make this worse there will be problem with the investors, off track development , delayed deliveries and teams backing out. The list of the struggle is long and will keep growing. But if you and team keep pushing your list of milestone will be longer. All the best. I am going to try the new very. Hoping that the look and feel is same as the previous release.

And like the saying goes
"if you want to do something right do it yourself"

All the Very best. ☮️❤️

It's been a difficult journey. I hope that all of these changes still give you a path forward with this game

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Good to see some updates finally and hope you stay on track from now onwards
@sagarkothari88 vote

Looking forward to seeing progress in the game again!

good luck
didnt lose faith.
tbh its make you all seem more passionte abiut the project (not some aaa games company)

As you mentioned, I thought the project was dead. Hadn't checked the discord for a long time and just saw MUT dropping all the time.
A huge amount of respect to you and the team, to keep on going with your passion and findings ways to overcome!
Well done!

Sorry I do not get it.

Was the game now developed by team members, which did not have any time, which delayed the development, or was it outsourced to a development company, which screwed you over?

The game is now being developed completely by the team members. The company which was supposed to give us UNITY builds is no nowhere in the picture.

And the problem was, that this development team, had the issue, that the did it part time? I just dont get it from the article, what happened when.

In the end it does not matter much. We need to wait further.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Why didn’t the mathematician travel?
He could never reach the city limit.

Credit: reddit
@muterra, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp

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please don´t tell me you´ve hold 80k in company funds in crypto

also, when the entire development of the game was outsourced, what exactly where the teammembers working fulltime on? 😉

Of course not all the funds were in crypto that's why we were able to develop however slowly. We only outsourced the UNITY part of the project, which includes player movements, collision tiling, navigation, in-game battles, dialogues, etc. Except for a few things, everything else was controlled through our APIs so that no exploits could be made from client end (UNITY).
It's just that UNITY build is what players are able to see, not the backend codes running the it.

falls du es nicht eh schon gelesen hast... @kheldar1982 das dürfte deine Frage von gestern beantworten 😉

Danke fürs stupsen.

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
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