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RE: Tales of a New Roof for Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

What a lovely house and garden! This roof trailer, I never saw bevore is a cool thing and for sure saves a lot of time for the workers.
And it's so important, that the workers are getting well payd and treatened because seeing their work appreciated makes them happier, and this fact (it may seem silly but I believe it) makes more harmony spreading to the buildings they work on. 🤗


Isn't that the coolest trailer? I love that it can drive itself! It has a mind of its own! :)

It saves a lot of time and clean up for the worker. They are good workers and I know for a fact that they get well paid. I believe happy workers are always more productive. Not silly one bit.

Human nature. I am better at everything when I am happy. :))

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

☺ and I love #marketfriday 🤗 happy weekend

Awesome! Thank you!! Happy Weekend to you!