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RE: The Markets of Friday by Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

Thank you, teacher! A necessary school posting. I remember five years ago when I started writing in your challenge too. I didn't understand what I was supposed to write, it was hard. Now, for new participants, it must be easier. If they won't thank you, I'll thank you now for them. I'm also putting the link to my just born post...

Something Priceless


How can that be? You always have had great posts that show up on #MarketFriday! You never even blinked - just dropped what you had. You have always been good.

I watched it being born this morning and am just getting to the comments. You are so timely, you are making me look bad! LOL Just kidding.

I was hoping that this would answer a few of the questions people had. :) You are already well-schooled!

Thanks so much for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!