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RE: Horsing Around with Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

That explains your admiration for horses, it comes from far away, from your family and I can see that you pass it on to your children.
I love where you live and the surroundings. I think that's why you don't really miss traveling, except for the sea.

Twenty-minute drive, less than ten miles, and there are enough places with space to do whatever you want. Not as rural as it seems, but, plenty of space. :) That is one of the reasons I have loved it here so much.

That's why I hope you don't have to move out of this place... unless you find something even better!

I have three replies from you that I have to answer... I always answer you last because I need more time. Please forgive me for being late!

I see you've also fallen into the trap of time, not enough time. I wish you a pleasant and relaxing weekend, absolutely necessary for recharging your batteries!


And it is Memorial Day Weekend, a flurry of activity especially involving the military families and military... Arlington Cemetery and the putting the flags on the graves. I am so far behind, I didn't even start the markets.

Today is the closing ceremony and I might not go as it has started to rain pretty hard. I am on my way home now and I am calling it done! Time to make food!

Never worry. I am always behind on replies!~ :) I hope your weekend was wonderful!

Thank you! The weekend was dramatic but also hard and beautiful...