She Will Come, She Will Definitely Come!

in Market Friday2 years ago

Our life rests on some landmarks, some milestones that give us stability. In such an unpredictable world, when we don't know what the next day will bring, we still need to know that we "know" what's next, that we are not totally abandoned in the changing winds.

One of the certainties of my life is the cycle of the seasons. Ever since I was born and understood what was happening to me, I have understood that it is imperative that after winter comes spring! That's what I learned from my parents, from school, and saw with my own eyes.

Well, this certainty of mine has been seriously shaken this year! March has come, which is the boundary where winter ends, spring begins, and... winter still hasn't come to my city, Bucharest, Romania. I almost forgot to tell you from where I am sending you these thoughts and musings of mine. Romania is a country with a temperate continental climate and four seasons, all somewhat respecting the size of three months each.

My dilemma was the following. If it didn't winter, it means that the long-awaited spring cannot follow...

Well, on the twelfth hour it happened. My belief that "she will come" has gained support. In early March it began... winter in my town! That means the conditions are met and she will come. Spring!


The months that "were" winter were like spring this year and that fooled the plants that rushed to the light. Winter has now come and is trying to cover them with snow but this winter has no strength left, I am convinced the plants will get through this ordeal.


Especially since there are some plants that are very well trained to fight winter. Like these Christmas Roses!


This week it keeps snowing, then the snow melts, then it snows again and that doesn't bother me at all.

I love the snow, it's so beautiful but also useful to wet the ground, because so far it's been dry.

The moment I saw the snow I knew that spring was near, that it would come!

Probably those who have read this far have thought I got confused and forgot to write about shopping, the shopping experience, as @dswigle expects us to write in #marketfriday. I didn't mess up this time, next up now...

I need to get ready for the garden and flowers. I went shopping, not to the market, I went to a supermarket specializing in DIY, building, and gardening. Leroy-Merlin.



Whenever I enter this shop, the first target is flowers and gardening items. I find that there are now a lot of cacti on offer. I'm not really a fan of small cacti but I've enjoyed looking at them.



Cacti and succulents.



But the other flowers were also well represented but they were all indoor plants and my indoor is full.




I came especially for the flower soil, to prepare to sprinkle the soil from the flower pots. Looking for soil I saw, for the first time, a seeding system. Interesting, if I had a bigger garden it would have been useful for me too.



Next to this seeding system I saw something, something I've been looking to buy for a long time. A plant I've been looking for a long time. A tropical plant. It's called: Musa "Dwarf Cavendish" Banana...


The plant is not in good condition, it was poorly cared for in the store and because of this I bought it at a big discount, it only cost $15!

I so love the huge but so soft and fragile leaves. I know it's a plant that will grow quite a bit....

Although true Banana plants are far too large for any house, the Dwarf Musa Banana, or Dwarf Cavendish, fits right in. These "Dwarfs" can still easily reach 6ft / 2m, so with this in mind a young new plant will live happily on a window ledge for a few years at most but that's it, afterwards the space will have run out and you will need somewhere bigger.


I'm not thinking too far ahead, I want to enjoy now the pleasure of watching this little wonder grow.


Now that I know that spring will come, I also know that life will go on as we have been used to, even though we have been hit with all sorts of crises lately. My optimism gets its nourishment from hope!

Because it was not in vain that my niece Ilinca discovered ... the mirror!

Habit is now forcing me to leave a flower at the end, #alwaysaflower, as our good host Denise says!





Yes, March surprised everyone this year! flowers under the snow look very touching. we hope that spring will come soon, as you say

Spring must come because something good must happen! Thank you!

yes, something good now would not hurt at all!


I love gardening and garden centre so Loved this #marketfriday I also adore primrose and usually get at least one new variety each Spring (which I have done thus far) and I love Hellebores/christmas rose I also got a new one this year as well, happily in my plant room waiting to go out to join the others. Thanks @bluemoon

With pleasure! I discovered Hellebores, too, recently, and am amazed by this plant. It was this year's surprise for me. Gardening is so much more than a pleasure and it's natural to love it, as we all do. Thank you!

After years, an unexpected snow in March in Istanbul, too. Fortunately, my flowers and trees have not been fooled yet :) I think this is the last card of winter.

Sunny and warm weathers ahead! Have a good weekend.

Thank you! Now I see that in many places it was the same, with snow in March. It is a sign of change.
And I think spring is almost here. We're looking forward to it. A nice weekend to you, too!

Well, this certainty of mine has been seriously shaken this year!

Climate change is happening everywhere around the globe. Till two years ago we had several years when there was no winter during the winter season.

she will come. Spring!

That's good to know. Hehe

I didn't know that cacti are available in sea green colours. Saw them the first time

Yes, it's good to know that spring will come, but who knows? Maybe summer will come straight away and we'll forget about spring. Nothing is impossible!

Hmmm. I think summer may come but not without the glimpse of spring. It would have colours of flowers and greenery

I think you are right and it will be beautiful!



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You brought me to one of my favorite places! You could be here in the United States! I have a garden market that looks just like this! Seriously! Your snow is beautiful! We did have one 2 inch snow this year, but, that is it. None for March, although, I think that if we don't get it all season, we are destined to get it in March. I showed off my Lenten Roses for my flower today. They do make such a beautiful statement.

I love your yard, even though you keep calling it tiny, it is perfect. It makes it possible to fill it with blooms and plants. If it were big, you couldn't come close to filling it. It always looks abundant to me. I am sure I told you that I don't care for cactus. They don't do anything except getting their little thorns in me. I had one when I lived in Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California. Enough! They were already in my yard and I will not be trying to dig it out. Yikes! I will say that the first one I planted, under my bedroom window. :) Anyone trying to crawl in it would get surprised. I lived in the city. The banana tree is awesome! Some people have big ones and don't care for them, so then they get messy looking. How cool that you got a small one! I look forward to seeing it grow!

Ilinca is your granddaughter. She is your son's daughter. If she were a niece, it would be your brother's daughter. It is just the English language. I always get confused when I am trying to explain in any other language the relationships. She is getting so big and so beautiful!!! Aren't they so funny when they discover what they look like?? :)

This was a great post! I always have such a fun time with your writings! Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday! I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see so many participating every week. I have learned so much about the different cultures of the world, especially the small things that go unnoticed except by those looking for it. Life is interesting, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers markets and eventually branching out and evolving over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but, it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact of what is these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
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Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
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You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.

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#MarketFriday loves you!

Yes, winter came in March but I hope it won't last long. So far it hasn't affected the plants. I hope it stays that way until the end. I'm glad you feel the same way as I do about cacti and that you like the banana tree, I know it needs to be cared for to be healthy and beautiful and it will be a trial for me.

Yes, of course, I saw that I was wrong. In Romanian, there is only one word for granddaughter and niece. Thanks for correcting me when I'm wrong, it's very helpful!
Children are very funny and cute when they discover their image in the mirror, especially the girls...

Thank you for your very pertinent, complete, and generous answers. Always gratifying!
Have a wonderful weekend!

It's surprising that this us the first year your certainties about the weather has been so shaken, I thought the world can't go up to about two decades without shaking things up a bit. It's great your winter is finally here, do you think it will take up more time before spring comes and make spring come even later?

Past observations show that winter does not go beyond March. I believe its days are numbered. Thanks for reading!