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RE: Market Friday Presents

in Market Friday11 months ago

Those are all for me aren't they? I knew they were. I love your words; raining sunshine before the rain. So beautiful. Those black eyed susans are a show! I've never seen yellow before. Ours are only orange. I have them all over the place. I've planted them in the ugly areas to cover walls of shale. They are so hardy and a continual show. So, on that note. Yes, definitely perennial. Have a weekend of sunshine.


They are everywhere!


Beautiful! I love the pink. They look so much like my echinacea

Hehe~ They are echinacea. I have 6 plots of them.

SIX PLOTS! That's amazing. Do you make tinctures?

Yes! I have six because I divided them a while back. A little tea, a little something for the cold/flu season. :) How many plots do you have? Make me jealous. :)

No. I would never want to make you jealous. We all have in different ratios and I have learned that it is exactly what we can cope with. We count in hectares here. So we few. As far as the amount of black eyed susans go not even a teeny plots worth. We only have a few and they make the uglier areas beautiful

Aren't those just gorgeous!? Orange ones? Oh, you will have to show me a picture! I cannot believe that yours are such a beautiful color! I have mine all over the place too, and at the shore house too. They cover a multitude of sins! The show never ends, does it?

I do love perennials, but, have made it a contest of wills, trying to collect seeds from the annuals and planting them in the spring. I do mostly perennials, it makes good sense, but, the colors are always calling my name.

I do love the clematis!!!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! You are in my thoughts and prayers. coco

Have an amazing weekend!

#NarketFriday loves you!