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RE: Tales of a New Roof for Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

The roofing trailer is a neat device. Sure beats a bin sitting in your yard ripping up all your nice grass. You made the right choice pulling everything off and starting fresh. You never really know what's under there and you've saved yourself some headaches in the longtime. Get it done right the first time.

I'm glad to hear there were no major issues, you know contractors. Factor in more time and money as there is always something that comes up. Everything is looking great and this job looks like a long lasting one along with some piece of mind too.


I loved that roofing trailer! It was the coolest thing and to watch it drive itself? Ha! Awesome! This house is a weekend/ occasional house out of the city, so it is not a full-time house. But, after it was loaned to a family member who had nowhere for his family and him to live, and he literally trashed it? It is a mess, but, one by one, the things will get done. The roof was just old. Very old. The darn wind didn't blow hard enough and it never hails over there. I have been waiting for ten years and finally, the insurance company charged me $440 extra because the roof was "bad." Well, it did need to be changed. There were no major issues, which I was glad, but, there is still much to do, but, time is on my side and it isn't my main house, so it put off the rush.

It will have an update, but, in the meantime, taking my time!

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