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RE: The Markets of Friday by Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

Hi @dswigle

Here my entry.

An unexpected visit to the workshop for a bad wheel, which allowed me to avoid an accident due to a bad shock absorber on the other side of the car. At the same time, I was able to take advantage of the fact that the workshop was in a shopping mall to have lunch, look at stores and photograph material for Hive photo contests.



Thank you for dropping your link!

Sometimes the unexpected is exactly what is needed to change the course of your day. See? You even got to the mall and had lunch and got some #MarketFriday shots!

Well done!

#MarketFriday loves you!

The unexpected is a path that leads us where we least expect it and the important thing is to make the most of each situation with optimism and joy.


Funny how life works some days! I hope your weekend is amazing!