
What happened to your upvote, over doing the voting again? LOL

Ohh yes I hope to see many of the old ships here :)

Have a great day

Pitiful! I cannot upvote tomorrow at all! :( How do you keep it so strong! You vote more than I do. Thanks, you! Have a great day!

I generally vote at 15% I think I need to up it a bit to be honest

You to have a great day

Probably a good idea for me. Thanks! Goodnight!

And good morning I adjusted it to a level based on the voting I was doing I am doing less now so need to adjust it

I thought you were fine, but, I am doing more and then less, I just need to keep adjusting it as needed. Have a great night! So late in the reply!

And i am a day or two late in replying on here, bbene busy with things, routine Doctors visits with getting new Drs here and busy doing things around the house, but all good busy so I am happy ;)

Take care

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