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RE: Market Friday goes to Old Town, Alexandria

in Market Friday4 years ago

I am glad you had a nice visit. I like it there because it is right over the bridge to Washington, DC. It has a definite peaceful quality to it. I never go out to eat, but, once in a blue moon, I may. Fish and seafood in general are my favorites! If it swims for a living, I'll eat it! :) Especially with sauce! (and love!!)

Books are generally banned or challenged to protect people, who are oftentimes children from inappropriate sexual content or language or even ideas. Harry Potter delved into magic, which some parents didn't like... I have read them all (they are no longer banned) and thought they were awesome. I didn't take it serious, it was a fun book.

The books were definitely better than the movie. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!
