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RE: Market Friday - I'm in a Bad Dream!

in Market Friday4 years ago

Contradictions for sure. I'm not sure anybody really knows which is the right thing to do. I believe everybody thinks that they are doing the best, which really confounds the next person down the line, who also thinks they are are doing the right thing.

How to play Devil's Advocate, but I have seen places refuse people's personal cups way before covid. While I don't necessarily agree with it, it's usually big name places as opposed to little cafes with do it. I'm usually not offended by it because I guess they're not sure how I clean my cup no, but I can understand being miffed about it especially with their contradicting little rules they have.

I hope in some ways that you got a little bit of a laugh out of it and rest assured that the UK is not the only ones. I can say that the only annoying thing is that the rules vary from store to store so you have to be armed and ready to change at a moment's notice. And then there are those countries to have zero social distancing or masks or sanitizer they're probably far ahead of ours. I would have been so tempted to get those Airline seats and I'm not even a gamer. I just like the cool Factor. That was a glorious pumpkin and I hope he's yours. Thank you as always for your wonderful post. they just Delight the hell right out of me!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

!tip .20


I'm glad my daft ramblings delight you, it's really nice to know. Costa Coffee have been brilliant. They even clear my friend's pipe tobacco out of the bottom of his cup lol. He's an embarrassment! 😁