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RE: Market Friday goes to Old Town, Alexandria

in Market Friday4 years ago

Truly, Old Town has a chic vibe. I think you would like it. It is still fun now, but, there is more open and things to do normally. It feels weird to have all the little museums and the apothecary closed down right now.

I think Huck Finn was the first book that was banned. It is always spurring controversy. It has now been banned 8 times. :) They called it trashy and inelegant and mindless, to name a few. Trashy and suitable for the slums.

I bought a previously banned book. :)

Oh, you know how I love biscuits and gravy. Yum. Yum.

#MarketFriday loves you!



Yeas funny that about old Huck. One would have thought Letters from the Earth would have been a much more likely candidate.

I have to agree with you on that one, but, I still like Mark Twain. :)