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RE: The Markets of Friday by Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

Not every place is crowded there. Many of the tours are covered by busses and people that were visiting for the day on cruise ships, even though it is hours and hours from the coast. I stayed closer and it made the visit better, being able to be there on the off time. Something this amazing is not going to be a spot where you get to be alone. :)

Oh, but you are never late! I am accommodating at best. :) I am happy to see so many people come and even drop links and say hello. I have nothing to complain about. You were not at the end of the world? It is time you stay home a bit, yes?

Thank you for dropping the link, stopping by and leaving your worst, and you are appreciated! Have a lovely weekend as well.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes, I guess there are peak and off-peak times... and not everyone can be in the same place at the same time ^^ !

Today I'm, late haha ! Caught a little flu that tired me a lot, plus yesterday we went for a last visit to the house, last one before the final act of purchase. That was intense with the growth of everything in Spring, and the amount of birds, that was really great to see it again :)

Thank you dear Denise, I hope you're having a good weekend 😘