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RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

I love the farms, Dan, but not to own. Farms are a lot of work that I am not equipped to run - nor do I want to. That probably makes me seem lazy, but, I know my strengths. That is not one of them.

I do love visiting different farms, and working farms. They are interesting to me.

I love the term Beltway Bandits, although that describes most that work around here as working for the government is what everyone does. :)

I hope you are having a great weekend!


That's what I thought you said but it turns out I misunderstood.
Surely a farm means a lot of work, I thought you were interested in land as an investment.
Otherwise, I too am lazy and have no desire to engage in hard work.

Already weekend... I wish you a pleasant and restful one too!

You are right. I have bought land for investment purposes. Even if I don't sell it, it would be passed on to my kids who would have a nest egg to sell.

I used to work harder than I do now, but, life has to have balance, so I am taking my balance so I am not in a deficit mode. :)

I hope your week has started out wonderfully! @bluemoon

The week started with temperatures of 40-42 degrees Celsius and will remain so until the weekend. I like that I can stay indoors more... I have a kind of holiday at home!

I'm glad it's like that, that you've invested. I, too, invested in some land, about 15 km from Bucharest. It hasn't yet reached the value that would make me sell and even if I needed the money now, I prefer to leave the land, which will pass to my son... eventually.

It's normal to stop working so hard, I like your balance and I'm glad you do so.

I wish you a wonderful summer, @dswigle!

I agree with you on that, Dan. I have given each child a piece of land so that they can build on it when the time is right in life. This way, they don't have to wait for me to pass. I am not going to sell it, and it gives them a little incentive to make it something wonderful. while they are young.

We will see.

Yes, we will see! I hope we'll see and like it...