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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

I'm not a huge fisher like most in my family. I say that because most are brothers - and they all love fishing for fun. They all have boats and they take great joy in going together or with their families for a boat ride to one of the islands or another destination. I have fishing poles made special for me because of them. While I do like to fish, and do eat what I catch, or what someone else catches.

We all cook what we catch or we catch it with a person already promised the catch of the day. I will cook my son's fish. I am not sure his wife ever has, but, my son grills it. If we have people over, we usually will get some clams and mussels, if we are lucky a few crabs and have a feast. The best kind.

He he... you caught me looking at electrical appliances! :)

You know I never worry about the posts! I love when you do and I am happy to see you relax when you don't. There is so much to see and do on here now, I don't know where to go, so I go nowhere. :(

Anyway, I hope you have a splendid week ahead!

#MarketFriday still loves you!


It's clear you're a woman of the sea in many ways. I would have liked to be a sea boy myself. I'll add to that something I didn't do in this life until I die. I've gotten used to a very, very long list.
The best fish meal is the one with the fish caught by you, of course!
I know you're never nervous in Hive, in any sense, and that's very nice and inspires me too, thank you!

You knew!! Nothing tastes as good as the one you do yourself. Have you ever noticed that the chef can always eat their own food they prepare? I noticed that even if nobody else likes it, I still can appreciate my own cooking. Haha!

I hope I inspire you in a good way!

Of course, in a good way!
It's only natural that this should happen. I like the food I make too, even if Magda isn't too thrilled.