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RE: Market Friday Sprouts - How about You?

in Market Fridaylast year

We have a lot of our good favorite stores fold/downsized during COVID. Many people don't even do their own shopping anymore. They have gotten accustomed to having the groceries delivered or doing a pick-up themselves. I find it strange not going shopping but, I am all for trying to normalize our world, as much as we can.

I guess it can be easier and lessen your workload, so for that, I guess it is better... ''It is a pretty cool place, but, nothing like the place you showed off!!! Holy Moly!! I want one of those stores!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!


It's pretty rare that my wife and I go grocery shopping since covid. We find it much easier and cost effective to have our stuff delivered. We do still make regular Costco runs though.

Exactly that. You both work and have busy lives, plus it works for you. As it should be. I buy so much produce, I want to pick my own. It is cost-effective in terms of time spent getting there and back... I get it.