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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

Oh, yes! Three in front of me and three behind me. A sea of brothers. Did I forget to say that I had two sisters also? I do.

We fished because we lived on the Atlantic coast. I probably wouldn't have otherwise. Everyone had boats (mostly sail and pleasure boats) and although there were fishermen who did it for a living, they mostly sold commercially -to the restaurants - aka - The catch of the day.

We picked up beached fish too! :) When the schools would make a run. My brothers laugh because I don't take the fish off the hooks or bait it unless I absolutely have to, which has never happened! It might chip a nail, you know? I had never purchased fish to eat until I moved away from home, and the same for crabs, mussels, clams, and the like. Oh! you sent an entry along the way! If your mother could only see how talented you are now!!! :)

Thank you, lovely. You always go above and beyond! Love to you and the fam!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

Have a wonderful weekend! 💜

#MarketFriday loves you!


A sea of brothers indeed! That's really special. I remember your two sisters. I can imagine how the boys all laughed at you saving your nails. But I still think it's wonderful that you were a fisherlady