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RE: Market Friday and the Chincoteague Pony Auction

in Market Friday3 years ago (edited)

Oh, yeah. There is something about those horses. I love them all, but, I am not one of those crazy cat horse ladies. They are fun to have and ride, but, not cuddly like a kitty.

The ponies own the beach, even if people go and sunbathe/swim there, Many a person has gotten bitten for trying to feed/pet them. They don't understand wild animals. They are harmless if you leave them alone.

You? Aa struggle. Say it isn't so! I can't imagine. 😂

The beach is one of the best riding experiences in my opinion. The traditions on the Virginia shore are fun and are born out of necessity usually. I cannot let July go by without going to one. :) It really is fun! :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!


You? A struggle. Say it isn't so! I can't imagine.

I think you can imagine all too well Swigs. Lol.

Sue me!! I truly can! :))

No litigation required...I know what I am and when people take the time to see clearly they should be rewarded not punished. :)

Taking the high road. How very decent of you.

I like it. I dont even have to be on guard 24/7.

Taking the high road. How very decent of you.

Despite what perceptions may be I am a gentleman.

Ha! Despite how it looks, I have no perceptions. Not even one.

I believe you as I get the impression you're a more open type of person; open to information prior to forming opinions...Although, I reckong you have them at times.