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RE: Market Friday Presents

in Market Friday11 months ago

I love lilies of all kinds but, I understand about planning the options. I never have, but, I would have loved to. I have the dubious adventure of being moved every two years because of the job. But, I have been here for longer than usual (in part because of Covid) Anyway. long story short, I have a mishmash of flowers, but, it is okay in an electric sort of way.

I agree with the perennials, but putting a few exotic annuals in between for interest. Such an easy way to make a house beautiful. yes?

Thanks for dropping your link! Have an amazing weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I can imagine it will become a challenge when you have to move every two years. Seeing the start of new life every year also has a similar effect on you when you have to move so often. Am I right in saying that?

As you say, it's all about making a house beautiful!

You must have an amazing weekend too!

I have done it since I left home years ago! It has been interesting and has given the children an unusual upbringing with different cultures around the world.

Bought a house so that the kids would always have a home base that is permanent, so when out of the country, we still had a place. I would move plants there to keep them going. :) They fared well as my neighbor at the shore house waters them when needed! Not all the time, but, enough to keep them living. :)

Yes! Keep the house beautiful!

Enjoy your day ahead!

That sounds unusual indeed as you say! Yet, I think that gave your children such great opportunities and exposure. And the best part, it was under the guidance and protection of their parents!

It's great that you were able to buy a house to always have that home base though!

Enjoy your day!