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RE: Market Friday Presents

in Market Friday11 months ago

Gardening is getting quite pricey! That is for sure! It has really only been since Covid, but now it is still ramping up. I'm not sure where this is going to end, but, for sure there won't be any reduction in price, so does that mean that we will be stuck forever with this?


Perennials are the way to go for me in the big gardens, they grow bigger and every couple of years, I split them and get two plots of them, plus it helps stimulate growth. I need to do my black-eyed Susans and Plox and some of my coneflowers and Rudbeckia... okay, most of them.

I always plant my marigolds from the seed pods. I don't think I have bought them in forever. I usually pick a lunch bag full after the first frost and dry them, then plant after my perennials come up. I just threw some of those seeds in the garden yesterday, it will give me great fall color. I don't get frost until maybe February next year. Sometimes not at all.

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