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RE: Bring me Your Markets!

in Market Friday3 years ago

The drive was beautiful and felt peaceful, and honestly, it frequently feels like that. No market is fine, it is your company that I love. :))

When You get a market, it is cool. But, it is the people and learning about them that is the draw for me. I have learned so much about cultures!

Thanks so much, Joan! @joanstewart

#MarketFriday loves you!


Being able to get onto the open road alone just drive see the countryside, stop and enjoy views, find oneself, would be an adventure. All dreaming with my eyes wide open!

When thinking of childhood markets where honey was sold in the comb, bales of wool packed in a corner, another corner filled with spices, veggies and fruits in the center. Adjacent the fish and meat market, all under old Victorian roofing, gone! Modern shopping malls all look the same, all laid out the same, most boring things between walls.

Glad you enjoyed your drive, hope you had the music up loud through beautiful scenery Denise. Have a wonderful day!