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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

I can fish! Although it is not something I do a lot, it is fun, especially when my brothers come into town and they want to do a seafood night or a fish fry. or clam bake or crabs...

I do have six rods made for me, mostly by my brothers. We have family that is in business and lucky enough we only pay the cost, which is downright cheap.

You cannot fish? Have you ever tried? I don't fish a lot, but, I always fish or crab or get mussels and clams when family comes. :) It can be fun. :)

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words !!

Have a wonderful weekend! 💜

#MarketFriday loves you!


Okay, I still have my fishing pole from ages ago, which I keep for the memories. I'd go fishing with Dad and my two brothers, but I never caught a single fish!!! See, I can't fish.
But, I love the cleaning, frying, and grilling parts. Freshly caught fish is the best!
I am enjoying the weekend, and love #marketfriday!!!

Thank you!

I still have the fishing rods too. I use them from time to time, but, not as much as my brothers would like. :) My dad would take us way out in the Atlantic, or it seemed that way when we were kids. The boat was big enough to sleep 8, so we would spend some nights out... I am sure my mom appreciated it. :)

Fresh caught is best! Indeed!

The weekend has been nice! Enjoy your evening!