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RE: The Markets of Friday by Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

It is definitely the best I have ever had!!

Oh, well, I always look forward to your posts, but, now! I can hardly wait! Thank you so much for your great participation!

#MarketFriday loves you!


MY wife used to want to cook it well the legs of lamb and would over spice it, I convinced her to let me do it my way once and now she insists I always do ti and love it

Well due to unforeseen circumstances it would be this coming Market Friday post but hopefully the next one :)

My mom loved her leg of lamb and she didn't over-spice it because she didn't know how to cook one until she mastered it. My dad always made the pickles for the same reason - he was better at it.

You know I love anything coming down the #MarketFriday line! :) I hope your weekend is going well!