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RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

I have driven by many here in the States, and never could resist stopping and snapping a few shots. I just asked a farmer here if I could photograph his sunflowers. He was so nice and told me yes, but, come back at sunset! How nice. It rained. :( I will go back this week, time prevents me, but, I will get back.

In Europe too, especially Italy! I wasn't surprised but was surprised that there was a good amount in Tuscany, but, hard to find in other places there. Or perhaps, I just didn't see them. Spain, of course, but, I was surprised to see them in Ukraine. Not sure why, but, it shocked me. A few other places, but, that is where they stood out to me.

I hope you get to walk through it sometime. It is a very cool experience! How is your summer? I am totally jealous if you have any cool weather, it is hot as Hades here. Thank you for stopping by!

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