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RE: When Irish Eyes are Smiling: Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

I did enjoy St. Patrick's Day!! It is always fun and yes! You should make it a point to spend it somewhere that celebrates it! :)

And yup, even we have noticed the inflation kicking in here in Europe. Really worried about those who earn less or can't seem to make ends meet.

I worry about that every day. You know they are out there, they couldn't afford life before this, what are they doing now? It makes me sad to even think about it. It is happening all around us.

Thank you so much for stoping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


You know they are out there, they couldn't afford life before this, what are they doing now? It makes me sad to even think about it. It is happening all around us.

Same, especially for my family and friends who have it more difficult and a harder time trying to survive.