Fishes from River are always first choice in fish market

in Market Friday4 years ago


Shopping is our daily companion. We can’t stop shopping because its our daily need. I am being the guardian of my family needs to go for shopping most almost at least twice a week. So, I have different with shopping. Fish is one of the common shopping I need to do. Here I am going to share some memories of fish shopping with this community here.

The name of the market is Chalia Kandi, situated at Muradnagar, Cumilla, Bangladesh. Here some local fishes can be easily found all the time. That’s why I prefer this market for my fish shopping and its very much close to my village home. The main advantage of this market is its very much its filled with the fishes of river and open land area. That’s why these fishes are tasty. We can find some fish which are basically cultivated. These are not as much healthy and tasty as the fishes of river and open area land.

Normally in villages without rainy season and cities all the time, we get fish from the cultivated fish from different project and firm. Bangladesh is in fourth position in the World in fish cultivation. So huge number of fish can be seen in several markets daily. But these fishes grow quickly due to high protein fed. But the river fishes are not cultivated. Its born naturally and grows naturally without artificial feed. That’s why these are tasty enough. And it’s the first choice of the customers as well.



Normally different village people and fisherman goes to the river and field with boat and net to night. That’s why we can get fresh fish in the early morning in the market from those fisherman’s. But cultivated fishes are not difficult to collect. People normally go to this bazar early on for getting some that kind of river and local natural fish.




As you can see in the picture that, various kind of fishes are selling by a shop. There were about another 7/10 shops like this one in this market. This is a village market. Village people are the only consumer. So, you can guess the consumption of fish. Fish and Rice are the main food of us. So, without fish, impossible. Here you can find a bit about 0.1% who don’t love fish. I am very much fond of fish personally.

Locally we called the fishes Shing, kai, magur, rui, katla, mala dhela, mrigel, tilapia, pangas etc. Out of all those Shing is my favourite. In the picture, you can see the seller is giving shing fish to my bag. Its all about 2 kgs of fish. The price of shing is little bit higher than other ones. Shing price was about 5 USD per Kg. The others fishes ranges from 1.5 USD to 3 USD. Normally river fishes are costly as I have mentioned.

Shing is my favourite because its soft and have a smaller number of Fish thorns. I dislike thorns during eating fish. In this reason I avoid such kind of fishes like Hilsa fish and mrigel etc. So, overall, my shopping was successful as my family members loved this shopping. I would like to thank the fisherman and traders who did their job and worked hard to reach the fish from river to my house. They are basically doing great job for us. We just spend 10 USD for that but they are doing really really hard work on that. I appreciate their task and again thankful to all those who are making our life better for their hard work in the society. That’s all from today’s post.




Thanks to #Market Friday by @dswigle to initiate such a good challenge. He anyone can participate by sharing any product or service shopping which costs money. That’s means you need to post your shopping experience where you spend money for product or shopping by mentioning #MarketFriday by @dswigle or post in the #Market Friday Community (#hive-196308). I love this challenge very much. Lets post our shopping experience with #marketfriday.

Who I am:

I am lecturer of Textile Engineering in Bangladesh and a newly married husband. I love to share my thoughts and ideas to my friends and community. I want to express whatever I have learn so far in YouTube, DTube etc. I explain Textile, Earning and Cryptocurrency related vlogs. I love to capture Natural Photography. I am always a learner and wants to make huge community here in Blockchain to reach to the moon with Blockchain.


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Very informative and colorful post. I love fish very much, so it was especially interesting for me to read your publication. The photographs show a lot of different fish, it is really hard work of local fishermen. Thank you for your post, you made it really beautiful. Success and health to you.

In Bangladesh village area normally we can easily find such kind of fishes most of the time. From your comment it's very much clear that you have read whole post. thanks for stopping by and your nice comment

I have to agree with you! I do not like farmed fish as they are not as healthy as the fish that are swimming free in the rivers. Of course, there are exceptions, I am sure, but, my money goes to the wild-caught. :)) How fortunate that your shopping is so close to your house. And that there is such a nice variety to choose from. Every fish that I can look in the eye that is clear, is probably fresh to me. I am so happy that you like to eat fish. Can you imagine living there and not liking fish? Oh, that would be a shame! I love fish, but, I grew up living alongside the ocean. So, I understand.

If it swims for a living, I will probably eat it. :) Our river fish are more expensive also, I am not quite sure why, but, it takes more skill to catch them is what I guess. I actually prefer the sea fish but, I do like trout from the lakes or rivers. Especially the rainbow trout. I like fish without too many bones (thorns) also. It only takes one time of getting one stuck before you change your fish. I try to debone them but, sometimes I miss one or two.

Thank you so much! I love your fish market! Thank you for providing an opportunity for me! Each week, I enter the challenge to provide a different look of American culture, some of it over the top and some, everyday things. It shows off how much we are alike and how different life can be. In the end, it makes it an experience that I look forward to. I appreciate the love and support you give to #MarketFriday! It Is heartwarming to see how many posts into the challenge, including you. Thank you! Truly! Your participation adds a unique flavor to the mix. I just love clicking on the link and having a new world open up, right before my very eyes! Thank you again for being a part of all this! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:

Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, clothing, plant, or animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo, an art auction, and restaurants. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for any kind of service.
Take pictures! Be creative! It’s fun!
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture.(s)
Don’t forget to use the MarketFriday Community #196308 to post from or hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle If you hashtag it, drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

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