Comprando el regalo de navidad en la tienda: General Import / Visiting and Buying the Christmas gift in the store: General Import


En época de navidad no puede faltar la visita a la tienda General Import, esta tienda es reconocida en mi país Venezuela, por tener una gran cantidad de juguetes tanto para niñas como para niños. Juguetes tanto recreativos como de enseñanza para todas las edades, por lo cual en esta época de Navidad se debe visitar, ya que se pueden conseguir esa cantidad de ofertas qué vemos generalmente por catálogo o en la televisión.

At Christmas time you cannot miss a visit to the General Import store, this store is recognized in my country, Venezuela, for having a large number of toys for both girls and boys. Both recreational and teaching toys for all ages, which is why at this time of Christmas you should visit, since you can get that amount of offers that we generally see by catalog or on television.


Comienza mi recorrido viendo esta estantería llena de adornos para Navidad, en la que podemos ver peluches, muñeco de nieve, peluches de Santa Claus, bambalinas de distintos colores, cinta para regalos de Navidad o para el propio arbolito y las muy buscadas campanas doradas, ya que representan la abundancia, el final de un ciclo y la apertura a un nuevo año. En Venezuela se realizan campanadas para el 31 de diciembre, justo 5 minutos antes de finalizar el año. También vemos arbolitos pequeños para los centros de mesa, para adornar y resaltar las hallacas, el pan de jamón, el pernil. ¡La tradición venezolana!

My tour begins by looking at this shelf full of Christmas decorations, in which we can see stuffed animals, a snowman, Santa Claus stuffed animals, different colored backdrops, ribbon for Christmas gifts or for the little tree itself and the much sought-after golden bells. since they represent abundance, the end of a cycle and the opening to a new year. In Venezuela chimes are held for December 31, just 5 minutes before the end of the year. We also see small trees for the centerpieces, to decorate and highlight the Hallas, the ham bread, the pernil. The Venezuelan tradition!


Un poco más adelante en la tienda seguimos viendo adornos de Navidad, en este caso el muñeco de nieve inflable, para colocar en la entrada de nuestros hogares o nuestro negocio, también podemos ver como adornan un árbol de navidad utilizando bambalinas, muñecos, flores escarchadas, entre otras cosas que nos dan una idea de cómo podríamos adornar el nuestro con los artículos de la tienda, ideal para las fotos con esa cortina dorada qué representa la buena fortuna y un cojín totalmente rojo que representa la navidad, por ultimo más mini árboles de navidad para las mesas.

A little further on in the store we continue to see Christmas decorations, in this case the inflatable snowman, to place at the entrance of our homes or our business, we can also see how they decorate a Christmas tree using backdrops, dolls, frosted flowers , among other things that give us an idea of ​​how we could decorate ours with the items in the store, ideal for photos with that golden curtain that represents good fortune and a totally red cushion that represents Christmas, finally more mini trees Christmas for the tables.


Cabe destacar que al ser una tienda de juguetes, no pueden faltar los peluches referentes a Santa Claus, perros, renos y ciertas esculturas de casas de jengibre o bastones de dulce, que aunque no sean de tradición en mi país no podemos olvidar la diversidad cultural qué hay en Venezuela.

It should be noted that being a toy store, you can not miss the stuffed animals referring to Santa Claus, dogs, reindeer and certain sculptures of gingerbread houses or candy canes, that although they are not traditional in my country we cannot forget the cultural diversity what's in Venezuela.


Y llegamos a los tan deseados juguetes, este tipo de visitas me recuerda mucho mi infancia, ya que la gran cantidad de juguetes que hay en esta tienda nos llena de nostalgia y recordemos que desde que nacemos tenemos por lo menos un juguete en nuestras vidas, desde un sonajero, hasta un auto a control remoto, los juguetes siempre están presentes en nuestra vida.

And we come to the much desired toys, this type of visit reminds me a lot of my childhood, since the large number of toys in this store fills us with nostalgia and we remember that since we are born we have at least one toy in our lives, from a rattle to a remote control car, toys are always present in our lives.


De las cosas que más me gustó en la tienda, fue ver estos carros llenos totalmente de Lego, aunque no sean de la marca original, no dejan de ser educativos y no dejan de ser utilizados para la recreación de los pequeños de la casa, con ellos se pueden crear distintas formas como la de una casa, un edificio y todo lo que se pueda imaginar, es por eso que son mis favoritos ya que son muy versátiles y sin distinción de género, ya que tienen 1000 colores y todo dependerá de la imaginación de cada uno.

One of the things that I liked the most in the store was to see these cars completely filled with Lego, although they are not of the original brand, they are still educational and they are still used for the recreation of the little ones in the house, with They can create different shapes such as a house, a building and everything you can imagine, that is why they are my favorites since they are very versatile and without distinction of gender, since they have 1000 colors and everything will depend on the imagination of each.


Buscando los juguetes más tiernos para niña, encuentro está muñeca que aunque tiene un precio alto, considero que está justificado ya que tiene a su lado una mini bolsa de dormir para la muñeca, una mini almohada de la mascota que la representa, en este caso la rosada la bolsa de dormir se puede ver como un gato y la de color beige o marrón, se puede ver una especie de oso y en la próxima foto verán una tigresa. Son productos demasiado tiernos qué me hacen querer comprar uno de estos regalos para mí.

Looking for the most tender toys for girls, I find this doll that although it has a high price, I consider it justified since it has a mini sleeping bag for the doll, a mini pillow of the pet that represents her, in this case The pink sleeping bag can be seen as a cat and the beige or brown, you can see a kind of bear and in the next photo you will see a tigress. They are too cute products that make me want to buy one of these gifts for myself.


Es hermosa, me la auto regalaré de cumpleaños. ¡Sigamos!

It's beautiful, I'll give it to myself for my birthday. Let's keep going!


Y una cosa que no puede faltar en la carta para Santa Claus, pedir una pistola de juguete, en este caso las más reconocidas son las Nerf y pueden ver su modelo en la foto, presentada en su azul característico y en la parte de la carga tiene ese toque anaranjado que llama mucho la atención tanto de los adultos como de los niños. Con esto lo que podemos jugar es hacer el papel de policías o Vengadores de la justicia, aunque mi mayor sorpresa es que ya hoy en día tenemos un gran avance en la inclusión y han salido las pistolas para niñas y aunque se identifican por ser rosadas, lo cual es algo retrogrado, también la identificamos porque en la caja se puede ver a una niña, en este caso una niña utilizándola, realmente cuando yo era pequeña no había una en específica para mujer, aunque ya que tengo un hermano, simplemente se compraba una de color llamativo y los dos comenzamos a jugar sin distinción alguna, importaba quien podía darle al otro y no el color del dardo.

And one thing that can not be missing in the letter to Santa Claus, ask for a toy gun, in this case the most recognized are the Nerf and you can see its model in the photo, presented in its characteristic blue and in the part of the load It has that orange touch that draws a lot of attention from both adults and children. With this what we can play is to play the role of policemen or Avengers of justice, although my biggest surprise is that already today we have a great advance in inclusion and pistols for girls have come out and although they are identified by being pink, which is somewhat retrograde, we also identify it because in the box you can see a girl, in this case a girl using it, really when I was little there was not one specifically for women, although since I have a brother, it was simply bought one of striking color and we both began to play without any distinction, it mattered who could hit the other and not the color of the dart.


Y si de icónicos se trata, no podemos olvidar los deseados castillos mágicos donde la mayoría de las niñas nos sentimos princesas, nada mejor que jugar viendo las películas de Disney como Cenicienta o Blancanieves, que siempre pasan en la temporada de navidad. Tanta es la fascinación que nos hacen pedir como principal regalo de Navidad un castillo de estos, conjuntamente con una de las Barbies o princesas de Disney.

And if it is iconic, we cannot forget the desired magical castles where most of us girls feel like princesses, nothing better than playing watching Disney movies like Cinderella or Snow White, which always happen in the Christmas season. Such is the fascination that they make us ask for a castle of these as the main Christmas gift, together with one of the Barbies or Disney princesses.


Y para terminar este gran recorrido por mi infancia y los deseos de mi carta de Navidad, estamos viendo mi juguete favorito, las cajas registradoras dónde por lo menos en mi caso soñaba con ser una cajera con alta demanda de clientes, yo les daba el vuelto y registraba en mi caja el producto de la cesta, cesta en la que podemos ver pimentón, repollo, envases y una torta lista para ser registradas y pagadas, jugar a ser adulto y realizar todas las compras de la casa es divertido, aunque irónicamente en la realidad es estresante.

And to end this great journey through my childhood and the wishes of my Christmas letter, we are looking at my favorite toy, the cash registers where at least in my case I dreamed of being a cashier with high customer demand, I gave them change and I registered in my box the product of the basket, a basket in which we can see paprika, cabbage, containers and a cake ready to be registered and paid for, playing at being an adult and doing all the purchases in the house is fun, although ironically in the reality is stressful.


Por si se lo preguntan, también aprovecho las salidas que realizo para los post para comprar cosas para la casa, en este caso como ven, compré una gran cesta de comida, con la cual voy a realizar un picnic con mi novio, espero le gusten los ingredientes que compré.

In case you are wondering, I also take advantage of the outings that I make for the posts to buy things for the house, in this case as you can see, I bought a large basket of food, with which I am going to have a picnic with my boyfriend, I hope you like them the ingredients I bought.

Así termina mi publicación para el #MarketFRIDAY iniciado por @dswigle para compartir en este caso esta fabulosa tienda de juguetes llenos de recuerdos de la infancia y ver las decoraciones para este mes en curso de diciembre.

So ends my post for the #MarketFRIDAY started by @dswigle to share in this case this fabulous toy store full of childhood memories and see the decorations for this current month of December.


Este post me ha encantado. También hice un recorrido por lo que fue mi infancia. Aunque no lo creas muchos de esos juguetes los pedimos en la carta para el niño Jesús.

La tienda más grande de juguetes a la que he entrado se llama Hobby2000. En esa tienda le compré los regalos de navidad a mis hijos por muchos años.

Hacer un recorrido por la más grande jugueteria de Venezuela y compartirla con nosotros me parece genial. Al menos a través de tí pude conocer General Import. Por cierto, ese picnic se ve delicioso.

Muchas gracias por tan excelente contenido. Feliz navidad.


I loved this post. I also took a tour of what my childhood was like. Believe it or not many of those toys we asked for in our letter to baby Jesus.

The biggest toy store I ever went into was called Hobby2000. That is where I bought Christmas presents for my children for many years.

To take a tour of the biggest toy store in Venezuela and share it with us seems great. At least through you I got to know General Import. By the way, that picnic looks delicious.

Thank you very much for such excellent content. Merry Christmas.

This is a wonderful post, but, you dropped it on an OLD POST FROM 3 WEEKS AGO~! Nobody would ever find it there. Please drop this link on my #MarketFriday post, which WILL BE posted on Friday, EST, so in 2-3 hours. It will get more eyes on it. Don't forget!

I love the concept of #MarketFriday and how our cultures differ and then again, how much they are alike. Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, even your language/languages. Along with the fact of what is normal for where you live? These are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I had hoped that posting here will familiarize you with the world around you just a little bit more. Viewing it from a more personal level as opposed to the newsworthy level gives me a better understanding of the people and a view that is often not seen on television. Sometimes,it seems like I learn more on some social medias about a certain incident than what the news tells me.

I appreciate the amazing support given to #MarketFriday! Thank you! Your participation adds a piece of your world, and I have to say, people are interested in seeing it. This entire challenge has opened up the world to me and so many others. Thank you again for being a part of all this! I am so happy to see you here! I hope you have a fabulous day! Hive on!!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how: I put this in for those reading your post, so they will know the rules.

Rules of the Road

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
  5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  6. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
  7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
  8. Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

Dear @ginethchira2301,

The previous HiveBuzz proposal expired end of December.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, /
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!