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RE: Market Friday's Countdown to Christmas! Fifty One Days and Counting!

in Market Fridaylast year

It is such a great time of year - and we are already seeing xmas gifts and decorations on sale in the shops here - looking forward to it, although we wont go crazy for it until the 1st of Dec ! Than there will be serious cases of tinsilitis in our house !


It is the spirit of Christmas that I really look forward to, although I do decorate early. We have a tree-lighting ceremony on Thanksgiving weekend. Everyone is at the house, my siblings come for the holidays and we are all together, so we have always decorated on the day after Thanksgiving and Saturday we light the outdoor lights and our trees.

I love that they all help us do it! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words. I hope you have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!