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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

Haha I never learned in the fishing gear area. But mostly I need to look after the snorkeling gear and mask because a few people have stolen some expensive snorkeling masks before. XD When I was working in a sports shop, I wasn't even a sporty person.


Haha! That is funny! I think they still hire like that. :)

I never bought anything in the store when I was working until I got out of the job. The moment I started to like snorkeling and yoga, that was the time I went back to the store to see my former colleagues and ask for a discount. haha not bad!

I hope they gave you one! :) It never hurts to know people! ;)

Yes, they gave me a discount. It was fun to see them again when I had the time.