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RE: Tales of a New Roof for Market Friday

What a job ! I'm glad there are folks that don't mind working up high. I could never do it, even in my youngest, best days.

I never understand folks who are given great favors, not doing the right thing.

I think your pocket book is going to need a little rest after this. LOL !


I know, right? That job is not for me. I got up on the ladder to see how it looked from up there and I felt wobbly legs on the way down. It has been a while since I have been that high up on the roof.

I don't understand it either, El. To tell you the truth, I have to wonder what is wrong with him. My mother didn't raise him that way. :( He let over 150 chickens in the fenced-in yard and let them eat every bit of grass. The grass looks pretty terrible. Time. Just time and it will be all better. It is a pain right now because it isn't done and the back and forth is more tiresome when there is no enjoyment right now. I say that and I do have a good time there, but, it will be better when it is all done!

Thanks so much for stopping by... Were you here to give relief to the purse? It is le tired! :)

#MarketFriday loves you!