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RE: Market Friday Pauses

in Market Friday10 months ago

Your sunflower photos are always cheery, but photo 4.... just Wow ! Love how the sun is coming in behind the petals, lighting them up and throwing little shadows at the base of them.

Everybody deserves a pause now and then. I hope it is just because you want too and/or your life will be full of fun cruises and the such.

It's Friday morning, the best day of the workweek. I told Lexa to start the coffee and I hear the drip pot finishing in the kitchen. Yes, the day will be full of phone calls that are not my fav, but the promise of the weekend starting soon will pull me through.

Take care !


You are so kind, thank you so much. I love all the sunflowers! I am going tomorrow and probably Sunday, after that, it is closed for the season!

It is because I want to for just a bit, between work, family, and real life... well, it doesn't leave much time to just be. :) I won't go on a cruise until the extreme heat goes away.

Friday is my fun day... Wait! That is Sunday, right? My I-don't-have-to -run-day?

Oh! Your Lexa is nice! Making coffee and such. Mine just flips me the bird now and again. All the phone calls today! I hope that it is just a lovely night, pushing you into the weekend.

Le sigh... Thanks for the words. xoxo Be back to the Markets soon!

#NarketFriday loves you!