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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

This looks like an amazing place to visit. I can see why it is so easy to get side-tracked and forget why you are there in the first! But it makes sense what you are saying about not buying something like this online.

And yes, as you are saying, you don't expect the staff to know everything...but in my opinion, if you don't know the answer, at least show enough willingness to help and go find someone more knowledgeable on the topic to come and assist the customer. Surely, if that is their line of business, there should be someone who knows what he/she is talking about.

I take it you haven't found the fishing rod that is to your liking yet?

You will find my post for this week here.


Exactly! They sometimes have a hard time hiring now, it seems like the youth of today aren't that keen on working. I don't know about there, but, there are help wanted signs in every window. I remember my first job, having to be the best, better than all the rest. Competition was strong for a job. I know... Moving on... :)

I didn't find one there and have decided to go the sure route, with family back home owning a shop that custom makes fishing rods, I will give him a card from there and they will take good care of him. Rather than have it made for him, he can let them customize it so that it will be perfect. It's not that I am fussy, it's just that if I can have it made for him for less. why not? I really hadn't thought about it, but, it makes better sense. And the love put into it!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

Have a wonderful weekend! 💜

#MarketFriday loves you!

We have a similar problem here. The youth is not keen on working. It seems that they just want to walk into a senior (boss) position and make "big bucks"...but they are not willing to do the work first...

On top of that, we have politics that make it even worse... But that's a whole topic on its own...

It sounds like you have made a wise choice... and saving money in the process. Absolutely! As you say, "Why not?" I don't see that as being fussy, it just makes sense! And yes, it adds that element (the love put into it) that cannot be measured in money!