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RE: Market Friday Returns

in Market Friday3 years ago

Hooray for Market Friday! Your timing is perfect. With things improving with the pandemic, I think we will all be willing to go into more stores.

As for zucchini, my favorite method is to roast them. I put them in the oven for about 20 minutes at 425, with a toss of olive oil, salt and pepper.

I think eggplants are best double cooked. I steam them or roast them for a while and then sauté them in sesame oil with soy sauce, a little sugar, fresh chopped garlic and ginger and some red pepper flakes, salt and pepper and sesame seeds. The reason for double cooking is you need less oil when you sauté them.


You are awesome!!! I have had to be pretty inventive last year. Finally, at Christmas, I put it on vacation for a few months. :)) But, I feel refreshed and spring has come to visit!

I appreciate the recipes!!! I am short on good eggplant ideas, so this is really nice of you! I will definitely try it! I love anything with pepper flakes. :)) Kidding. Not my oatmeal. But, yummy!! I do love eggplant! Thank you and thank you for stopping by and always supporting me!

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