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RE: Seasons End: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago (edited)

Oh no, we must not say the season has ended. It grips my heart! I am sure you only meant the end of season for lavender. Ha ha.

Thank you SO much for sharing the link to that online shop. I'm so excited. I love everything lavender. (In fact, one of my fantasies is to open up a shop such as that one. Wouldn't that be dreamy?? Maybe I will add that to my retirement goals. 🤔)

Monkey tea? Never heard of it! Lavender coffee? Must try sometime! Lavender ice cream? Yes, please share your recipe if it comes out well!

What age were you when you thought you had reached the magic age?

Which time? Ha ha. It probably first happened when I was 12 and hit my pre-teen angsty period, and nothing anyone had to say to me seemed as important or real as the sh*t going down in my head. Heh! Then again at 16... 21, 25, 30... All the milestone years back in the day. And now I'm absolutely sure I haven't hit it yet. I'm not there. Nope... way too much to learn and see and do, and I'm still just a child at heart for goodness sakes. Heh! Aw, aging is fun. It's all about perspective.

Love and hugs, @dswigle! Finally got my Market Friday post up this morning. It involves beer, so I guess I'm grown up after all.


You are so sweet! Yes, the lavender, although I can still go to the store until December then they close until April, however, the online store will still be open. I think opening up a lavender shop would be fun, but, I would want a Lavender Farm to go with it! Maybe my girls will start a farm instead of corporate America.

I know! Lavender coffee! Who knew? I will have to try it soon! Monkey Tea? I cannot put that to my lips. Swear to God. I am with you! I have no problem with aging. It is definitely about perspective.

Beer? I'm there! Hi, @Jayna!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I actually mentioned my daydream about a lavender farm and shop to my husband yesterday and he liked the idea! I did a double-take! He generally slam-dunks entrepreneurial initiatives I propose. Who knows, we may actually look into it.

Have a wonderful week, @dswigle!

That would be so cool! People travel distances just to pick their own! Do it! I'll come to visit you for sure!

Men can be so unpredictable! :) That can be a good thing!


If I can make the dream a reality, I will definitely let you know!