
I was always a list person, I just didn't always follow it. :)) I found I really saved a ton of money shopping by recipe. I decided early on what I was cooking for the next week (or so) and buy only what was on the list. Always remembering to add a few goodies there too!

I used to come back with all these good, but odd ingredients that went with nothing. Ugh! Try it! You might find it helpful. Or not. LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I know it will save me a lot of time
Ok, I am going to make this work for next week
Wish me luckkkk :D

Oh, I would love to know how it works for you! I can tell you it has been most beneficial as far as getting all I need and being prepared with dinners! :) I am soooo lazy!