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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

Yes, they sure do feel more personal 😊 we need once in a while those connections, as small as they may be. The smile 😃 and chit chat 💬 is what connects us.

Ooeefff to hot indeed. Especially if flights are delayed.
And here it’s 15 degrees Celsius… it should be summer. Where is the sun ☀️ hehehe 🤭 been raining for a week now. The weather is strange lately, as we said before.
We are thinking we maybe should be looking to the east or south of Ireland to get a bit more sun and dryer weather. So a road trip/ weekend away will be coming soon up.

You are welcome Denise 👋🏻
Happy Saturday morning ☀️🤗


Ha... You are standing too close to the UK! :) It grabbed your sun and ran. 💙

Happy Saturday! I hope you found some sunshine today!

Hahaha it sure did. Hasn’t stopped raining in a week.
We hope to go out this afternoon… let’s see if I find a dry area to walk.

Have a wonderful Sunday Denise 👋🏻😊☀️🌺