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RE: 📦🚛 Our move out of Spain has started 🇪🇸 ~ “Market Friday”

in Market Friday2 years ago

Not all of Spain, but there you go… bad research on your end. I live next to Marbella… it surely doesn’t have good weather all year. The houses here have NO insulation and heating. Especially when you rent.
The summers are getting so warm it truly is exhausting. 5 months…no body goes out. And the winters are so cold… it goes into your bones. Even if you cuddle an electric heater. It’s so cold inside. Outside is warmer. The houses are not built for the change in climate.
Also everywhere along the cost… most rentals are only 10 month in off season, meaning owners wants to move in in the summer and you need to go. Off season you have empty houses around you, as owners won’t live in them in the winter. Because of the bad seasons.
In my street of 60 houses. Only 4 are lived in now.
It is not as romantic as you think. And with us lived in many different parts of Spain for 16 and 7 years… I can tell you more, if you want to know @xplosive
I would look much higher up… in Spain. Definitely not along the southern coast if you are considering Spain 😉🤓

Also for that reason… northern Spain comes to mind. Deserts will go up though.

Thank you sooo much, have a great weekend 👋🏻😊☀️


I live next to Marbella… it surely doesn’t have good weather all year.

This is interesting, because there are literally complete articles in my language (in Hungarian) that the weather in Marbella is good all year, and mainly this is what attracts people from other countries. Of course "good" is a subjective thing. Something can be good for me, while it is not good for you, and vice-versa.

I can tell you more, if you want to know @xplosive
I would look much higher up… in Spain. Definitely not along the southern coast if you are considering Spain 😉🤓

I am interested. I read a few articles about Spain in the previous few years, but maybe they are no longer true, or they were not true at all.

You know, I moved to southern Spain for health reasons, as the climate would be so good. And I saw such huge changes in the last 4 years… what is completely different from how it used to be. And believe me I’m not the only one that sees them. Even the locals start to complain and move away. The expats are leaving just after 2 years of being here…
I am part of an international group. where I met many expats living here. As we had monthly gatherings, weekly meetings and things to do. And all are saying the same. From all walks of life.
If you can’t buy a house, change it completely or built from scratch to cope with the climate… it will not be comfortable.

And maybe you do remember me telling you, I am used to things. I lived anti squat… in buildings with nothing even higher up in Europe. No electric, water etc… So I know cold. 🤓 Just don’t want you to make decisions you will regret. As it all looks sunny and warm. It is not anymore. It isn’t easy to get paperwork to live here either.
I have full residency to make that clear, when I came here. I had to start again 2 years ago when we came back from one year work in Malta. The process is completely different now.
There is no support for people that just come and want to live here. You need a minimum of 700 euros a month to apply for residency in Spain as an European.

I think the articles are before this time. As the climate and mood of people along the south has drastically changed. The locals won’t accept foreigners, even if you speak Spanish.
7 years ago I would have told you, yep come… I think now… with family, friends you are better off in a known place. You know the rules there. Have some income. Not sure if you can keep it when you would move.

I have not planned to officially move, so I did not planned to get a residency. I know that many foreigners live in Spain like this. Not in mainland Spain, but on the Canary Islands (mainly in Tenerife) (people living in caves), which, as I currently know, still has a pleasant climate all year.

No worries, I thought that already.
The Canaries… they are so much further away. And the temperatures are almost the same all year. The houses I don’t know about living in them. Only visited… a few times.
And the caves there can’t tell you about either. You will have to check out. Just hard to get there for you with the hawk I think.
Do remember, you can’t use the healthcare system when you don’t become a resident. Do ask if you can be a certain time out of your country without officially changing your country to keep your disability payment. As there can be checks… and they can cancel payment. Just some well meant advice 😊
Take care my friend 👋🏻 Have an awesome Sunday.