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RE: Green Soul Zodiac Pro High Back Mesh Office Chair Review

in Market Fridaylast year

They say sitting is the new smoking health wise :/

I've tried sitting on a physio ball, working from bed (that was pretty comfy and cool but not good for the back) and more...

Generally I sit cross legged at a desk. So any chair must either be wide enough or not have arms 👍

You didn't say how your back is? Or did I miss that?


Happy #MarketFriday :D



The back pain has reduced a lot, feel much better. I do at least a hour of exercise daily to be fit, but then this 2-3 inch height was doing all the damage I believe. Hopefully I should be right in few months, as it takes time.


I hope it works. Back pain is... well.. a pain!

And yes. We must keep moving and stay fit. Thanks for the reminder. *getting up to go for a walk shortly

Have a great weekend. 🌼

Have a great weekend.

You too.