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RE: Market Friday. Let's pay $1 and go down to the metro

in Market Fridaylast year

It's immaculate! Spotless! I can't get over how clean and well kept it is, in fact.

Your photos are marvelous. Love the compositions and it speaks a lot about your nature and eye :)

I can not quite imagine how uncomfortable it must feel to know you're being "watched" continuously. (your statement about being questioned if you ride around with no destination all day)

:/ Not okay at all.


I am very glad that you liked my story. Thank you very much!

Unfortunately, passenger surveillance is a necessity. Passenger safety demands it. A few years ago there was a terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro. A terrorist was going to detonate several bombs. The first bomb was left in a bag at one of the stations. This bomb was quickly discovered by transport security workers and defused. The terrorist returned to the station to detonate this bomb, but saw a cordon. The terrorist then blew himself up in the carriage of the train.

Ah... thanks for sharing that. Now I understand more.

We also have cameras on the trains out here (not that it does much good as there's nobody around to respond if there's a crisis but whatever)

But bombings etc for sure. We don't have much of that type of thing in Africa.

I do always wonder, though, if these "terrorist attacks" aren't set up by government to shift things around in the first place. :/ But I haven't trusted corporations, politics and government for some years now so... I just observed and try to stay safe!