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RE: Curbing by Design for Market Friday

in Market Friday2 years ago (edited)

Wow! That sure is an operation. They do nice work and it really adds a finishing touch to the house! Those guys sure take a lot of pride in their work even down to adding the lines where he couldnt roll. Nice job and looks fantastic.

I got a Market Friday done, albeit a little late. It was still before I went to bed, so I think it should still count lol.

Here is the link :)


You got it in before I got up, so score for the @old-guy-photos. You know I am not a stickler for rules. 😂

They really had the entire thing down to a science. It adds something to the house but having mowed last night, there is no need for a weed eater or edger. That is a huge win. Because of the way it is molded, the tires can come right up on top of it and it makes a nice line when mowing. So, I consider it a timesaver.

Now, I need to put all the flowers back, and grab some potting soil for the new areas he added to make around the trees larger and a little more mulch. (Always more mulch!) and plant a few more flowers. Maybe by next week, I can count it as complete. Have spent a great amount of time at the Shore which is always nice and life is quite peaceful out there. As always.

Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting and yes! Dropping the link! Have a great weekend! Hot as Hades! For sure!

#MarketFriday loves you!

You know I am not a stickler for rules.

Of course. Perish the thought!😁🤣

Haha! Right? 🙂