Rapid Increase in Price in a short while

in Market Friday5 months ago

Each crate now sells for NGN3,300

Be it Pepsi, Mirinda, or 7Up Glass

Inflation rate at 2% is a very healthy level for a growing country. However, when it becomes like 100% in a space of eight months is very. Then it is not something to be proud about. To be honest this has really made cost of living very expensive. I did visit a retail Pepsi seller today for my #marketfriday and to my shock what used to sell for NGN1,500 now sells for over NGN3,000. This has made me decide that I will not be drinking soda for a very long time from now on.

By evening I stepped out with the boys a TGIF(Thank God its Friday) thing. Just to catch fun for the end of the week.



Water is cheaper? heh,heh,heh.... I hope you can continue to please your tastes. Best regards.

Cheaper and better, thanks for stopping by