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RE: Market Friday - I'm in a Bad Dream!

in Market Friday4 years ago

Yeah - here a bunch of stores now won't touch your cloth bags, but you can usually do it yourself and just refuse their bags. But like - how is the plastic - which coronavirus supposedly lives on the longest - that has been exposed to all these hundreds of people passing through the checkout line and workers handling it - supposed to be safer than my cloth bags that I put through the frikkin' washing machine?
So many of the rules are just security theater. Social distancing? Yes. Masks? Yes. But wasteful rules about cups and bags? Nah.
It seems that Trader Joe's finally got the memo because after months of refusing to touch your cloth bags, they have signs up that now they will handle them again.


I'm glad it's not just the UK! It can take the enjoyment out of meeting up with people. I'm glad Trader Joe has seen sense. It wouldn't be so bad if all the shops have the same rules but they don't.