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RE: Market Friday does the Needful

in Market Friday3 years ago

On the one hand, I love that because stores do have the power to tell manufacturers, "We're not going to carry your product until the packaging doesn't suck." On the other, if it's a chain store and the store manager tries to tell corporate that customers are fed up and doing that now, will they even listen?


I think there is a move and, ironically, COVID has hastened it, as more people are questioning the whole consumption thing, whether it's from a "can I afford it now I've been furloughed/lost my job/the economy has tanked and taxes are coming" to "actually, why am I doing this anyway?"

Yep. I've seen a lot of talk from people who were able to work from home going "do you know how much better my life has been not having to go to the office? I save time, money, energy... "