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RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

Wow! I so love the blooming sunflowers and I wish I could visit a place as amazing as that. Surely when I am there, I so love to take pics from different angles. So a lovely place.

By the way, here is my participation for this week's Market Friday:

Happy Market Friday and best regards.


It is so very beautiful! In another week, it will be easier to get more angles! Right now, it is just beginning to bloom, the weather was not cooperating, but, I went anyway.

They are starting to bloom, more and more each day, until there are acres and acres filled with sunshine flowers. I'll go back and see them a few more times before the go to seed. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!

I hope all is well in your world!

#MarketFriday loves you!