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RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

We are syncing up some. Sunflowers. I was going to add this little tidbit to my MarketFriday post but ran out of room. I always learn something new at Beaty.


Sunflower trees ... who knew? I keep threatening to grow a 3 sisters garden with sunflowers too. Imagine that:)

Burnside Farms sounds like an amazing place. Sunflowers; mazes; and firewords. I can't wait to see what they do in the autumn.


Sunflower trees!!! Oh, do it!!! A three-sisters garden sounds amazing! :)

Autumn is a little slower. More mazes, with corn husks and pumpkins, of course. Apples harvest and cider. I will have to look-see what else is going on!

Thank you for dropping your link!

I got a lovely bottle of dry cider and hops from the farmers market last Saturday. Yum.

Don't drink and drive with that. :) I like the dry cider. Not every place carries it, but, it is my first choice. I cannot/will not drink the other.

I take it, you have given it a proper taste? :)

Oh I don't drive ... lol. City dweller. And yes ... don't give me a sugary mess. I'd rather just take a pass too:)

Haha! I drove as a city dweller. Had to make it out to the country some days to see my parents.

Did sell the car in NYC but, kept it in Washington DC

Sugar = less is best. None is perfection.